Thursday, September 1, 2011

Majorca Flats -- 188

Dear Gran,
Your email made me laugh. I could just picture Lady Fitstone quizzing you. She used to do that to me you know, when we were allowed to come to your parties during the hols and she would ask all sorts of questions. It could be embarrassing. She wanted to know about girlfriends and who was my best friend and what I wanted to be when I grew up and stuff like that. You know how shy I was. I would just mumble and race off as soon as I could. Thank you for writing. Don't worry about letting it slip that you're in contact with me. Just tell Amanda not to let on that she's also talking to me. Mother would pop a blood vessel if she knew, and I don't think Amanda can stand up to her like you can.
The lady I'm staying with, Mrs Eleanor Cumberledge, is really awfully nice. I think you'd like her very much. Anyway, yesterday we were talking and she invited you to come and stay. She has a spare room on the first floor, and she's not a normal sort of landlady at all. Sometimes I wonder why she rents my room to me. Anyway, I could come and pick you up from the airport and you could stay here the whole time, or else we (or you!) could go sightseeing. I think my visa conditions will mean I have to leave the country soon (though I can come back after) so maybe we can go to New Zealand.
What do you think?
Much love

First Majorca Flats post       Previous MF post (#187)       Next MF post(#189)

Episodes 1 to 180 (without pictures, 10 episodes per chapter)

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