Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Gay Marriage

Former PM's sister, Loree Rudd, has left the Labor Party in disgust because the Labor Party Conference endorsed support for gay marriage.  Ms Rudd said:

"I don't believe gay marriage is good for the community," she said."Homosexuals should be loved and treated right and they should not be discriminated against.  It is a horrible thing for them to be discriminated against and that's why my brother* introduced laws so they are not discriminated against.  But to make that huge leap from their rights to breaking a commandment of Moses, to say homosexuals' relationships is marriage, is utter nonsense."

I liked this comment:

I wonder which definition of marriage Ms Rudd likes best from the Bible? Gen 20:12 Abraham marrying his Sister? Gen 16:3 Sara then bringing her Maid Hagar into the relationship? Deut 22:28 A rape victim must marry her rapist and get 50 shekels, Judges 21:7-23 Marry the enslaved virgin girls of the village you slaughtered? Chronicles 3:1-9 David had 8 wives and his son was told by God to cohabit with his fathers mistresses Sam 16:21, or maybe Kings 11:3 where King Solomon had 700 wives and 300 mistresses.....

It's a wonderful world.  

*Kevin Rudd, former PM.  Isn't she a cutie?  And let's not get started on "commandments of Moses".

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