Friday, June 1, 2012

Majorca Flats -- 316

He'd left the door to garage open. His special room was well concealed, but only if the bookcase door was closed. There was the real door into the garage, and over it second door made to look like a bookcase and shelves. It wasn't just pretend books but a real bookcase, hinged on one side and weighted so it fell back against the wall when it was closed. And he'd left it open, unlocked! How stupid! Maybe no one would come into the house but maybe they were already watching him. He had to get back.
He'd learnt how to do carpentry at the Home. Father McAlister had taught him. The Watcher was proud of his skills. He had kitted out the Kombi so he could reward some of the boys from the Home by taking them camping.
He flipped on the indicator and waited until the road was clear so he could make a u-turn. A tram trundled past, and then there was a string of cars. Come on! he thought. By all the Saints, hurry up! I must get back to close that door.
His stomach churned and he felt acid surge up his oesophagus. He would have some Rennies when he got home. After he had closed that door.
He heard God speaking, with Father McAlister's Irish lilt. “Failure,” He said. “Failure!”

Episodes 1 to 260 (without pictures, 10 episodes per chapter)

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