Monday, February 25, 2019

Showing sex

In my writings and in the pictures I post here, I show sex.  People making love.  People fucking, if you want.  And the thin-lipped sometimes criticise me. 

Let me explain.

Sex is one of the things we do--or would like to--often. It's intensely pleasurable.  It bonds us to our lovers.  It makes the world seem a better place.  And it helps make other ties--love, affection, friendship--stronger.  It's a good thing, and frankly, most of us need more of it.

Now murder is a bad thing.  Yet it is depicted all the time in fiction, and violence and war is shown on TV.   Why is this OK, when showing love isn't?  How many people do you know who've been murdered?  Murder is the great taboo, the great evil, in our society.   It should be the greatest no-no.  It seldom happens, but when it does it makes headlines and provokes sorrow.  Yet many regard sex, especially gay sex, as worse.  When I was growing up, it seemed to me that my parents were more disgusted by gayness than by murder.  And that's obviously perverted. (Just think about it for a minute.)

Very few people, except those who live in unlucky countries, know someone who's been murdered.  But almost everyone has had sex, and often, if they're lucky, made love. And they know others who've had sex too.  When you walk down the street, seeing all the other people, remember that: these people have had sex, some of them many times.  Quel scandale!  Yet we mustn't mention it?  We mustn't show it?  We must pretend it's something unimportant and trivial?  Fuck that.

I have to mark my blog and my writings as "X", "Adult" ,"may offend".  Yet I do not apologise at all, nor do I think showing sex is wrong (it may be tedious, but that's another story).  Sex is wonderful.  We should celebrate it and enjoy it and give thanks for the gift of it.  And I'm going to go on writing about it and showing pictures of it.  And if that offends, well, tough titties.

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